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Ca. 40% CO2-reduction is a new standard across the entire Drainage range

It may sound like a miracle. In reality, it's about securing access to raw materials that can replace cement as a binder in concrete. Cement, the main component of concrete, is incredibly CO2-intensive. There are several alternative raw materials that can partially substitute for cement, but often they are available in limited quantities. The reason IBF can now change the entire standard range for drainage is that the company uses Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag (GGBS), a by-product of steel production. ''The clever thing about GGBS is that it is as strong as cement and creates the same properties in concrete.  But because GGBS is a by-product that occurs when steel is produced, it is considered CO2-neutral.

The CO2 emissions from the steel production are attributed to the steel itself, not the waste from production,'' explains engineer and department head at IBF, Jesper K. K. Bang. ''This means that CO2 emissions from concrete are drastically reduced when we use GGBS instead of cement.'' The use of GGBS is not new. In fact, GGBS has been used in concrete production for decades in countries like Germany, but it has never been vary widespread in Denmark. IBF, however, plans to change that now. ''We have made every effort to reduce the CO2 emissions from our products. We have been working for years to secure access to GGBS, and now we are ready to ramp up the production speed,'' says Jesper K. K. Bang.

The industry says...