Weekdays Social Initiatives
> Health Insurance for Employees
We want to take care of our employees, both when they are doing well and when, for various reasons, they are not. Therefore, we offer all employees private health insurance, which allows for quick assistance if there are physical issues, or if there is a need for help in dealing with mental health issues. A swift intervention can be crucial, for example, in cases of stress and dissatisfaction. Similarly, the health insurance provides access to free physiotherapy and treatments in the private healthcare system if the waiting time in the public system is long.
> Large Occupational Health and Safety Organization and Internal Coordinator
At IBF, we have a large occupational health and safety organization consisting of a main occupational health and safety committe, local committees, and numerous health and safety groups. To ensure continuous focus on safety and the working environment, we have also hired an occupational health and safety coordinator. This person's role is to assist the health and safety organization with all its tasks, including workplace assessments (APV), safety inspections, reporting, and investigating work accidents, etc. This means that we always focus on the working environment - even during quiet periods when everything is running smoothly.
> Flexjobs and People with Special Challenges
IBF is a workplace where there is room for people throughout their entire working life. We have many employees who have been here for a lifetime, and we cherish them. This also means that we find new tasks for them if life takes an unexpected turn, and it's no longer possible to perform the same tasks or to work full-time. We employ both new and long-standing employees under special conditions or in a flexjob arrangement, and we have trained mentors who can support and assist employees facing personal or work-related challenges. We find that it positively contributes to the working environment when there is room for everyone, and employees with special challenges often have a unique motivation and job satisfaction, which we all benefit from.
> Concrete Technician Training
To increase the competence level in our production, our employees have the opportunity to train as concrete technicians. The two-year program is structured so that they alternate between attending courses and working in the company. In addition to a broad technical knowledge og concrete, the employees are trained in project understanding, blueprint reading, norms for concrete production, mold construction for concrete casting, and quality control. Moreover, safety, occupational health, and environmental protection are integrated parts of the training. Employees receive full pay throughout the program, which also makes the training attractive.
> Admiration for the Craftsmen
For the past two years, we have run the campaign ''Admiration for the Craftsmen'', where we try to help reverse the trend of young people opting out of practical education. We do this because, as part of the construction industry, we rely on skilled craftsmen who perform solid and good work. For the same reason, we support the DM in Skills, the World's Wildest Bridge Builder every year, and we also award our own IBF prize as recognition to young newly educated individuals who have performed exceptionally well. We also invite practical schools to visit us and offer to participate in teaching. In this way, we work to create a strong and close cooperation with the practical education system.

> High:Five collaboration helps previously convicted individuals find employment
High:five is an initiative that helps create job and education opportunities for young people between the ages of 15 and 30 who are at risk of marginalization due to criminal activities. A tainted criminal record can make it difficult to move on with one's life after serving time, and this can ultimately lead to reoffending. Therefore, it's important to extend a hand to formerly convicted individuals and give them a chance to start on a new and better path in life. At IBF, we wnat to contribute to fulfilling this social responsibility. That's why, at the end of 2023, we entered into a partnership with High:Five, so that in the future, we can offer young people who have served time a job with us.
> Padel Court and Fitness Center
We want to make it easier for our employees to engage in sports and exercise during a busy day. Therefore, we have built a combined padel court and fitness center at our headquarter, which all employees can use for free. The employees have received the offer very well, and to our great delight, it has created entirely new relationships across the organization. Padel teams have been formed across departments and specialties, and it's fantastic to see how it strengthens the company's unity when employees start exercising together.

> Sponsorships and Sports, Culture, and Education
IBF supports a number af good initiatives with sponsorships in sports, culture, and education. In 2023, we were, among other things, a sponsor of the TV program ''Linde på Langeland,'' where one follows Sofie Linde (known from X-Factor) in a large DIY building project in prime time. We also support local sports with football and handball sponsorships, just as we sponsor several events that help attract and retain young people in education, including DM in Skills and the World's Wildest Bridge Builder. Our sponsorships contribute to creating something for society to relly around, and we are pleased to be able to contribute to this.